1. HKTVmall 2021年感謝祭(「本活動」)由香港電視購物網絡有限公司(「本公司」)主辦。只適用於 www.hktvmall.com HKTVmall App 網上購物。任何於 HKTVmall 門市現場消費之訂單及HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)並不計算在內。
2. 本活動推廣期由2021427日至527日,首尾兩日包括在內。
3. 部分優惠商品為限量及限購商品,售完即止並以結賬頁面[購物車]顯示為準
4. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。

5. 若商品內容、價錢或因貨源不足導致貨品缺貨,將不作另行通知,一切以HKTVmall.com為準。
6. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

1. 每日好店將提供為期2日的全店優惠
2. 部分每日好店搶購及換購商品為限量商品,售完即止,並以結賬頁面[購物車]顯示為準
3. 每個帳戶只限購或換購1件限量商品。
4. 如因缺貨、該批次的質量或其他問題,以致無法正常交貨或外觀破損,或會按情況安排退款,價錢最多為商品的搶購價或換購價。
5. 搶購或換購商品之優惠價錢或貨量,有可能受系統超載等不可抗力因素影響而延遲更新相關搶購或換購商品的優惠價錢,本公司概不負責,以最終反映於商品頁面作準。
6. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
7. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

1. 只適用於53日及517日當日上午00:00至晚上11:59,附有標籤的相關商品,其他商品一概不包括於此推廣內。
2. 優惠碼只適用於 www.hktvmall.com HKTVmall App 購買指定用品(活動不適用於HKTVmall O2O店即場付款)
3. 本優惠涉及優惠碼,顧客必須於網上購物交易過程中輸入優惠碼方可兌現。
4. 於結帳頁面「使用優惠券」一欄,輸入優惠券代碼 (8個英文字母及數字組成),按「確定」,系統會自動應用95折優惠,​並以結賬頁面[購物車]顯示為準
5. 如因任何無法控制的原因,如技術故障或其他軟體的不相容性問題,致使顧客未能進入HKTVmall網頁或流動應用程式以參加「額外95折」的推廣及優惠,本公司概不負責。
HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
7. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

8. 如有爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。

1. 推廣期分作4個時段,有不同產品優惠:
2. 若商品內容、價錢或因貨源不足導致貨品缺貨,將不作另行通知,一切以HKTVmall.com為準。
HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
4. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

5. 如有爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。

1. 521日購買滿$1,000*可加$9.9 換購 CASABLANCA 純色彩柔紡系列 單人床笠及枕袋。
2. 只適用於521日當日上午00:00至523日晚上11:59,之單一購物訂單並附有標籤的相關商品,其他商品一概不包括於此推廣內。
3. 產品數量有限,換完即止,並以結賬頁面[購物車]顯示為準
4. 每張帳單最多只可換購1
5. 若商品內容、價錢或因貨源不足導致貨品缺貨,將不作另行通知,一切以HKTVmall.com為準。
6. 如因缺貨、該批次的質量或其他問題,以致無法正常交貨或外觀破損,或會按情況安排退款,價錢最多為商品的換購價。
7. 只適用於 www.hktvmall.com HKTVmall App 購買指定用品(活動不適用於HKTVmall O2O店即場付款)
8. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
9. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)

1. 此優惠碼只限全新客戶於首張訂單使用。
2. 全新客戶意指,其驗證帳戶未有任何訂單/取消訂單紀錄,帳戶登記電話都不曾用作其他有訂單紀錄之帳戶/收貨人電話。
3. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
4. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

5. 必須於網上購物交易過程中輸入此優惠碼方可兌現。
6. 每個帳戶只可使用此優惠碼乙次,每次購物只可使用一個優惠碼。
7. 此優惠碼之有效期至2021430日及只適用於單次購物。
8. 本公司不會因人為錯誤(如丟失、損壞或被盜)而重發優惠碼。
9. 優惠碼只適用於購買指定商店之商品並總額達$200或以上。
10. 此優惠碼不可作任何商業推廣用途。
11. 如有爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。
1. 此優惠碼只限全新客戶於首張訂單使用。
2. 全新客戶意指,其驗證帳戶未有任何訂單/取消訂單紀錄,帳戶登記電話都不曾用作其他有訂單紀錄之帳戶/收貨人電話。
3. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
4. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

5. 必須於網上購物交易過程中輸入此優惠碼方可兌現。
6. 每個帳戶只可使用此優惠碼乙次,每次購物只可使用一個優惠碼。
7. 此優惠碼之有效期為202153日至531日及只適用於單次購物。
8. 本公司不會因人為錯誤(如丟失、損壞或被盜)而重發優惠碼。
9. 優惠碼只適用於購買指定商店之商品並總額達$200或以上。
10. 此優惠碼不可作任何商業推廣用途。
11. 如有爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。

Citi HKTVmall 信用卡- HKTVmall 感謝祭5%折扣優惠活動」(「活動」)條款及細則
1. 推廣期由2021年4月27日上午00:00起至2021年5月28日至晚上11:59結束,首尾兩日包括在內。
2. 此優惠碼只適用於2021年4月27日至5月28日之單一購物訂單。(優惠不適用於購買$99大魚大肉套餐﹑HKTVmall電子購物禮券、HKTVmall廣告代幣增值券、一號嬰兒奶粉、Apple產品、Samsung品牌店產品﹑iTunes禮品卡、網絡遊戲點數卡、999金器、慈善捐款﹑旅遊住宿商品﹑休閒活動/其他服務門票及物流部專用商品。)
3. 優惠不適用於LEGO®Super Mario™ 71387 Luigi™入門競賽跑道 (瑪利歐, 任天堂) 產品。

4. HKTVmall 簡易版用戶不適用於此推廣。
5. 只適用於HKTVmall會員並持有Citi HKTVmall 信用卡(「合資格信用卡」), 於推廣期內透過「Citi HKTVmall 信用卡支付平台」簽賬即可於指定時段購買每日好店產品享5%折扣優惠(「優惠」)。
6. 優惠將於選擇使用「Citi HKTVmall 信用卡支付平台」後並輸入相關優惠碼,即時反映在HKTVmall 的付款專頁上。優惠碼會經由HKTVmall流動應用程式推送通知或其他渠道通知信用卡持卡人。
7. Citi HKTVmall信用卡支付平台簽賬不會經由信用卡協會(VISA)處理,因此信用卡協會之退款權利保障並 不適用於此。花旗銀行對客戶與HKTVmall的交易有關之事宜,包括付款金額、是否準確和及時送貨或提供服務、停止業務、清盤或收款人破產等,一概不負責。
8. 活動不適用於HKTVmall O2O店即場付款。
9. 不適用於HKTVexpress (HKTV極速送)。

10. HKTVmall保留隨時更改、終止及/或取消活動或修訂條款及細則之權利。
11. 如中英文條款有所差異,一概以英文版本為準。
12. 如有任何爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。

Thankful Campaign Terms and Conditions
1. HKTVmall 2021 Thankful Campaign is organized by Hong Kong Television Network Limited ("the Company"). Thankful Campaign is only applicable to purchases made on www.hktvmall.com or HKTVmall App.(The promotion is not applicable to HKTVmall O2O shop on-site payment and HKTVexpress.)
2. Thankful period is from April 27, 2021 to May 27, 2021, both dates inclusive.
3. Limited Offer available while stocks last and limited offer can only be purchased once per customer, and the display in the checkout page (shopping cart) shall prevail.
4. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
5. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

6. HKTVmall is not responsible for any reasons ie. stock-outs, HKTVmall.com shall apply and prevail.
7. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
8.In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.

Store Day Terms and Conditions
1. Selected Store provides a store-wide discount for each 2 days.
2. Limited Offer available while stocks last, and the display in the checkout page (shopping cart) shall prevail.
3. Limited Offer can only be purchased once per customer. 
4. If due to any uncontrollable reasons, such as stock-outs, the order cannot complete, it will be refunded. The refund will be equal to the amount of the price paid.
5. If due to any uncontrollable reasons, such as technical failures or other software incompatibility issues, customers cannot access the HKTVmall webpage or mobile application to participate in the promotion and offers of the store day, the Company assumes no liability nor responsibility, and HKTVmall.com shall apply and prevail.
6. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
7. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

Extra 5% Off Day Terms and Conditions
1. The "Extra 5% OFF Day" promotion is only applicable to related products with labels from 00:00 am to 11:59 pm on May 3, 2021 and May 17, 2021. Other products are not included in this promotion.
2. The promotional code is only applicable to purchases made on www.hktvmall.com or HKTVmall App.(The promotion is not applicable to HKTVmall O2O shop on-site payment.)
3. This promotion involves promotional code, customers should input the promotional code to use the discount.
4. The 5% off discount can be applied with input of the promotional code (formed by 8 characters and numbers), and press enter, in the shopping cart, and the display in the checkout page (shopping cart) shall prevail.
5. If due to any uncontrollable reasons, such as technical failures or other software incompatibility issues, customers cannot access the HKTVmall webpage or mobile application to participate in the promotion and offers of the " Extra 5% OFF Day ", the Company assumes no liability nor responsibility
6. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
7. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

8. In case of dispute, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Limited reserves the right of final decision. 

Weekly Best Deals Promotion Terms and Conditions
1. Weekly Best Deals is divided into 4 periods:
Week1: 27 Apr - 4 May
Week2: 5 - 12 May
Week3: 13 - 19 May
Week4: 20 - 27 May
2. HKTVmall is not responsible for any reasons of stock-outs, HKTVmall.com shall apply and prevail.
3.  Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
4. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

5. In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.


$9.9 Redemption Terms and Conditions:
1. Purchase Upon $1,000*  can use discount price $9.9 redeem CASABLANCA Vivid Print Series Single Fitted Sheet w/Pillowcase.
2. $9.9 Redemption is only applicable to related products with labels from May 21, 2021 00:00 am to May 23, 2021 11:59 pm. Other products are not included in this promotion.
(*Not applicable on HKTVmall e-gift voucher, HKTVmall Ad credit top up coupon, Baby Milk Powder No.1, Apple products, iTunes Gift Cards, Online Game Vouchers, 999Gold, Gold coins, Pure gold, Donation and Logistics items)
3. Available while stock lasts, and the display in the checkout page (shopping cart) shall prevail.
4. Every transaction can enjoy the offer once.
5. HKTVmall is not responsible for any reasons ie. stock-outs, HKTVmall.com shall apply and prevail.
6. If due to any uncontrollable reasons, such as stock-outs, the order cannot complete, it will be refunded. The refund will be equal to the amount of the price paid.
7. This Promotion is only applicable to purchases made on www.hktvmall.com or HKTVmall App.(The promotion is not applicable to HKTVmall O2O shop on-site payment.)
8. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
9. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.
10. In case of dispute, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Limited reserves the right of final decision.

New Customer Program (April) Terms and Conditions
1. The coupon code can only be used by new customers on their first orders.
2. Qualified new customers must verify his/ her mobile number (at Account Profile), and have no purchase records nor order cancellation records in his/her account. The registered phone number should not be used in other account's profile nor delivery contact.
3. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
4. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

5. The coupon code is redeemable only when the coupon code is entered during the checkout process of online shopping.
6. Each user account can enjoy the coupon code once only. Only one coupon code can be used in a single transaction.
7. The coupon code shall be used before 30 April 2021, failing which the coupon code shall expire with no refund or exchange.
8. HKTVmall is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged of the coupon.
9. Offer is only applicable to selected store items and the total amount reaches $200 or above.
10. The coupon code cannot be used for any commercial purpose.
11. In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.

New Customer Program (May) Terms and Conditions
1. The coupon code can only be used by new customers on their first orders.
2. Qualified new customers must verify his/ her mobile number (at Account Profile), and have no purchase records nor order cancellation records in his/her account. The registered phone number should not be used in other account's profile nor delivery contact.
3. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
4. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.

5. The coupon code is redeemable only when the coupon code is entered during the checkout process of online shopping.
6. Each user account can enjoy the coupon code once only. Only one coupon code can be used in a single transaction.
7. The coupon code shall be used from May 3, 2021 to May 31, 2021; failing which the coupon code shall expire with no refund or exchange.
8. HKTVmall is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged of the coupon.
9. Offer is only applicable to selected store items and the total amount reaches $200 or above.
10. The coupon code cannot be used for any commercial purpose.
11. In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.
“Citi HKTVmall Card - HKTVmall Thankful 5% Off Program” (“Program”) Terms and Conditions
1. Program period starts from 27 Apr, 2021 (00:00am) to 28 May, 2021 (11:59pm).
2. The Coupon code is only applicable on the single order on 27 Apr to 28 May, 2021 (*Not applicable on $99 Seafood & Meat Set, HKTVmall e-gift voucher, HKTVmall Ad credit top up coupon, Baby Milk Powder No.1, Apple products, Samsung Official Store products, iTunes Gift Cards, Online Game Vouchers, 999Gold, Gold coins, Pure gold, Donation and Logistics items)
3. Offer is not applicable to LEGO®Super Mario™ 71387 Adventures with Luigi™ Starter Course (Mario, Nintendo) item.
4. Users from HKTVmall Lite are not applicable to this promotion.
5. Cardholders of Citi HKTVmall Card (“Eligible Card”) with HKTVmall account are entitled to purchase Store of the Day products on designated time slot to get a 5% saving discount offer (“Offer”) for Citi HKTVmall Card Payment Channel Transaction.
6. Offer will be instantly reflected in the HKTVmall payment page upon choosing to use Citi HKTVmall Card Payment Channel and entering the relevant coupon code. Coupon code will be communicated via HKTVmall app notification or other channels to cardholders. 
7. Credit card association (VISA) chargeback rights/protection is not applicable to Citi HKTVmall Card payment Channel Transaction because they will not be processed through credit card association. Citibank will not be held responsible in related to the dealings of customers with HKTVmall including the payment amount, the proper and timely delivery of goods or services, cessation of business, winding up or bankruptcy of Payees. 
8. Program is not applicable to payments made at HKTVmall O2O shops.
9. Not applicable to HKTVexpress.
10. HKTVmall reserves the right to change, suspend or cancel the Program or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
11. In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English version and Chinese version of the Program terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
12. In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.