
1. 推廣期為2018年3月19日至4月2日。
2. 於推廣期內,每日購買『吃喝玩樂』優惠累積商品總額最高的顧客將免費獲贈指定獎物一份。
3. 取消/退款的訂單均視為無效訂單,其商品總額將不獲計算。
4. 每日購買『吃喝玩樂』優惠商品總額最高的金額將於第二個工作天在此推廣專頁以及『全城優惠』專區內的廣告橫額公佈。
5. 得獎者將於2018年4月4日經登記電郵收到領獎詳情通知。
6. 如有任何爭議,香港電視購物網絡有限公司保留最終決定權。

"Easter Give Away" Terms and Conditions:
1. Promotion period starts from 19 March to 2 April,2018
2. The top customer(s) with the highest accumulative spending amount of "Dining & Lifestyle" deals orders in each day within the promotion period will get a free gift.
3. Orders cancelled or refunded are considered invalid.
4. The winners' spending amount will be announced in this promo page and banner in "Hotdeals" on the next working day.
5. Winners will be contacted individually through registered email on/before 4 April, 2018.
6. In case of any dispute, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.