About Booking

1. What is the criteria to place advertising on HKTVmall?

Only HKTVmall existing merchants are qualified to place advertising on HKTVmall. Details please find:


2. How to add credit if it is insufficient in my account?

Please contact your account manager or send email to adbooking@hktv.com.hk for assistance.

3. Can I change the advertising period after booking confirmation?

No, the credit is already deducted.

4. When is the available advertising booking timeslot?

Starting from today, it is available to book within the next 90 days advertising inventory. All the inventory is first-come-first served basis.

For example: book Slider A (7 days at Supermarket) on Sep 14 - 21. The earliest booking date = 90 days before Sep 21.

5. When is the latest booking deadline?

The booking deadline is 15 business days before Ad launch date.

About Ad Production

1. What is the requirement for material submission? When is the latest material submission deadline?


Image Format

Product Listing, Brand Awareness, On-target Format


HKTVmall design

Merchant submit their own designed banner

Merchant submit their own materials

Ad Format

Splash ad, Slider A/B, Category Banner A/B

Other than Image Format

Material submission

12 working days before launch date

7 working days before launch date

7 working days before launch date

Material checking

10 working days before launch date

Within 2 - 7 working days before launch date

Within 7 - 2 working days before launch date

Ad Design

Within 2 - 10 working days before launch date



Ad Confirmation

2 working days before launch date

2 working days before launch date

2 working days before launch date

For booking eDM and Add on List - Sponsored Product, please email to adbooking@hktv.com.hk to proceed booking and submit materials.

Advertising content is restricted by HKTVmall's Advertiser Content Guidelines:


And material guideline:


About Ad Approval

1. Can I resubmit the material when it is rejected?

For image format, you can resubmit the materials within 10 - 12 business days before Ad launch date unrestrictedly. All the materials/information shall be approved by 10 business days before Ad launch date.

If you submit your own designed banner or Ad materials, you can resubmit the materials within 2-7 business days before Ad launch date unrestrictedly. All the materials/information shall be approved by 2 business days before Ad launch date.

Otherwise, the Ad may be rejected and failed to launch due to insufficient production lead time.

2. Can I provide any comment for the advertising layout?

Our design team will provide advertising layout in 4 business days once the materials are confirmed. Our design team will revise the layout according to the comment but the final decision is subject to design team. 2 rounds of comment are provided for whole Ad approval process and it shall be completed by 2 business days before Ad launch date.

3. What are the reasons or rules for HKTVmall to reject the ad launch?

i) Ad content violates HKTVmall's Advertiser Content Guidelines and advertiser fails to resubmit the approved materials before submission deadline

ii) Mismatch of Ad promotional details with product price on Ad launch date

ii) Mismatch of Ad promotional details with product information on Ad launch date

iv) Advertisers reject to launch the advertisement.

v) Having same advertising content in same ad format and position at the same time.

vi) Advertisers fail to submit or revert the ad materials before deadline.