HKTVmall’s Advertiser Content Guidelines

Unless otherwise specified, defined terms in the HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines shall have the meanings set out in the HKTVmall Ad Booking System Terms and Conditions.


HKTVmall does not accept the advertisement of Products/ services that are not permitted to be sold on HKTVmall, in particular those listed in the Merchant Agreement General Terms and Conditions - Schedule 2  ‘RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED GOODS / SERVICES’

  1. any infringing goods / services of whatsoever nature arising from or in relation to any infringement or alleged infringement of any intellectual property rights;
  2. any used articles and stolen goods;
  3. dutiable commodities;
  4. obscene and indecent articles;
  5. explosives, firearms and ammunition, and prohibited weapons;
  6. strategic commodities;
  7. animals and plants;
  8. controlled and hazardous chemicals, and infectious goods;
  9. dangerous drugs, pharmaceutical products and medicine, and proprietary Chinese medicines and Chinese herbal medicines; and
  10. any goods / services prohibited by law or regulated by licence or permit.

In addition, HKTVmall does not accept Advertisements it determines as in appropriate, in its sole discretion.  This may include, without limitation, Advertisements relating to or with hints of the below:

  • Tobacco
  • Drugs and drug-related products
  • Gambling or Betting
  • Political content
  • Dishonest practices, false promises or illegal activity including spyware, malware
  • Anything that is offensive, obscene, profane, defamatory, threatening, violent, promoting hatred or dangerous behaviour, discriminatory or inappropriate, in HKTVmall’s sole discretion
  • Any contents that infringes upon or violates the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights
  • Any Content prohibited in the HKTVmall Ad Booking System Terms and Conditions or Merchant Agreement General Terms and Conditions


All Content must comply with any additional requirements or restrictions in the HKTVmall Ad Booking System Terms and Conditions, Merchant Agreement General Terms and Conditions or guidelines or policies issued by HKTVmall from time to time.

All Content, Advertising Materials and products and services on the RESTRICTED OR PROHIBITED GOODS / SERVICES list must comply with the additional restrictions listed and the applicable laws and regulations of Hong Kong SAR.

  1. Alcohol

    Advertisements that promote or reference alcohol must comply with all applicable local laws, required or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses and approvals, and include age and country targeting criteria consistent with applicable local laws.
  1. Medicines and Supplements

    ​​​Advertisements that promote or reference medicines and supplements must comply with Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance, Cap. 231 of the Laws of Hong Kong
  1. Impressions of Professional Advice and Support

    Unless it can be substantiated that professional advice or recommendation has been obtained from an acceptable organisation of the relevant profession (for the purpose of this provision, any organisation acceptable to the Director of Health or the relevant professional body in Hong Kong from time to time and the relevant professional body itself should be deemed to be an acceptable organisation), advertisements containing the following are not acceptable:

    (a) presentations of doctors, dentists, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, or other supplementary medical professionals under the control of the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance (Cap. 359) which give the impression of professional advice or recommendations;

    (b) statements giving the impression of professional advice or recommendation by persons who appear in the advertisements and who are presented, either directly or by implication, as being qualified to give such advice or recommendation. To avoid misunderstanding about the status of the presenter, it may be necessary to establish positively in the course of an advertisement that the presenter is not a professionally qualified adviser; and

    (c) references to approval, acceptance or recommendation of, or preference for, the product or its ingredients or their use by the professions referred to in (a) above.
  1. Personal Products

    Products of personal nature, such as female sanitary products, condoms, sex toys, deodorants for the genital area, incontinence products, etc., should be presented with care and sensitivity and in compliance with HKTVmall’s guidelines and policies. Depiction of such products must be in good taste and not overly graphic. Advertising of female sanitary products and condoms should be restrained and discreet.

    To know more about the guideline of sensitive products, please check:

    HKTVmall - 廣告內容指引 (敏感產品)
    HKTVmall - Advertising Content Guideline (Sensitive Product)

  2. Advertising in Skincare & Makeup and Fashion

    Only primary promotional content directly related to the corresponding stret is permitted in Skincare & Makeup and Fashion and in compliance with HKTVmall’s guidelines and policies. Content that promotes products outside the categories of Skincare & Makeup and Fashion in corresponding street are strictly prohibited.

    To know more about the guideline of Skincare & Makeup and Fashion content , please check:
    HKTVmall - 廣告內容指引 (護膚化妝及時尚服飾)
    HKTVmall - Advertising Content Guideline (Skincare & Makeup and Fashion)



  • Advertiser must not use any false or misleading practices.
  • Advertiser must not violate any applicable laws or regulations.
  • Advertiser must not store, access, use,  process or transfer any personal data of Users through the Advertisement or otherwise through the site.
  • Advertiser must not abuse the HKTVmall Ad Booking System, as determined by our sole discretion.

Landing Page Policies

  • Advertiser’s landing page must match the Product/service promoted in the Advertisement.
  • Advertiser’s landing page must be directed to HKTVmall’s platform (except for non HKTVmall merchants)

HKTVmall reserves the right to make changes to HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines from time to time without providing any prior notification. The amended HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines are effective from the date they are published on our Portal or our site. Your continued access and use of our Portal or site and our services shall represent your unconditional acceptance of the latest version of the HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines.

English version of these HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines shall prevail over other translated versions.
HKTVmall Advertiser Content Guidelines are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. Advertiser agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts.