
1. HKTVmall 韓國美食節由香港電視購物網絡有限公司(「本公司」)主辦。
2. 推廣期(「推廣期」)為2020年9月29至10月26日(包括頭尾兩日)。 
3. 推廣期所有商品,如因缺貨、該批次的質量或其他問題,以致無法正常交貨或外觀破損,或會按情況安排回贈該商品同等價值的Mall Dollar 作最高賠償。
4. 商品標示價格可能因技術問題而有所不同,所有價格或贈品優惠均以結賬頁面[購物車]顯示為準。
5. 如因任何無法控制的原因,如技術故障或其他軟體的不相容性問題,致使參加者未能進入 HKTVmall 網頁或流動應用程式或完成結帳,本公司概不負責。
6. 如發現顧客以空號、假帳戶或任何方式入侵及/或以修改電腦程式的方式參加本活動,本公司有權取消該顧客的獲有優惠及/或獲贈品資格,並由該顧客承擔一切相關責任及後果。
7. 所有條款及細則的英文本與中文本在文義上出現分歧,概以中文本為準。
8. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。


Terms and Conditions:

1. "Korea Food Fair" ("the Fair") is organized by Hong Kong Television Network Limited ("the Company").
2. The Fair period is from 29 September 2020 to 26 October 2020 (including the first and the last day).
3. If any of the purchased items under the Fair is unavailable for delivery due to insufficient stock of the product, its unsatisfactory quality or other issues, a refund, if any, will be determined on a case by case basis and will be up to its sale price as paid for by the customer.
4. The marked price for a product may be different because of technical issues. In any event, the marked price as last shown in the customer's shopping cart for payment processing shall prevail.
5. In any unforeseeable circumstances, such as technical failures or incompatibility issues with other software that do not allow eligible participants to participate in the promotion, the Company assumes no liability nor responsibility.
6. If a participant is found to use a false name and/or invalid email address or adopt any way to invade and/or modify the computer program or dishonestly to participate in the Fair, the Company reserves the sole right to cancel the participants’ entitlement to the any discount, gifts or offers and to retrieve the same if it had been given. The participant will bear all related and associated responsibilities, liabilities and consequences.
7. Should inconsistency arise between the Chinese and English versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
8. In case of any dispute, the Company reserves the right of final decision.