
A. 一般條款及細則

1. HKTVmall 豬肥屋潤勁抽賞2019(「本活動」)由香港電視購物網絡有限公司主辦。
2. 推廣期由 2019年 2月 1日至 2月 6日。
3. 本活動之參加者必須為 HKTVmall VIP會員。
4. 本活動只可透過HKTVmall流動應用程式( iOS及 Android)參加。
5. VIP會員須於推廣期內進入指定HKTVmall活動頁面,驗證帳戶手機號碼後方能參加活動。另外,顧客須完成活動頁面指定步驟後才能獲得新春開運利是。每人只限參加1次。
6. 新春開運利是將隨機抽出並即時顯示於活動頁面内,得獎結果亦會於2019年 2月 14日刊登於星島報及英文虎報。新春開運利是將會於遊戲結束後30分鐘内以HKTVmall購物優惠券形式透過短訊派發給合資格參與者。
7. 活動宣傳品上刊登之圖片只供參考。
8. 獎品不可轉讓、退換或兌現金。
9. 由VIP會員派出的開運利是購物優惠券每個帳戶只限使用一次。
10. 如得獎者遺失獎品,本公司將不會補發。
11. 任何有關獎品質素、表現或價值須由得獎者自行與供應商跟進。所保養及售後服務均由供應商負責,本公司將不會對任何獎品的質素及供應負責。
12. 如因任何無法控制的原因,技術故障或其他軟體不相容性問題致使參加者未能進入 HKTVmall流動應用程式以參加本活動,本公司概不負責。
13. 如發現參加者以空號、假帳戶或任何方式入侵及 /或以修改電腦程式 的方參加此有獎遊戲,本公司權取消該者的參加及 /或得獎資格,並由該參加者承擔一切相關責任及後果。
14. 所有條款及細則的英文本與中文本在意義上出現分歧,概以中文本為準。
15. 所有條款及細則受關規定監管。
16. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
17. 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼 : 51686-7

B. 新春開運利是 – HKTVmall購物優惠券的使用方式與條款及細則

1) 於2019年2月1日 至2月7日期間加入指定商品至購物車後,按「購物車」至購物車頁面
2) 在「使用優惠券」一欄,輸入優惠券代碼 (由7 個英文字母及數字組成),按「確定」
3) 系統會自動在「商品總額」扣減優惠券相應面值的金額

HKTVmall 應用程式版
1) 於2019年2月1日 至2月7日期間加入指定商品至購物車後,按「購物車」,再按「前往付款」至 結帳頁面
2) 在「使用優惠券」一欄,輸入優惠券代碼(由7個英文字母及數字組成),按「確定」
3) 系統會自動在「商品總額」扣減優惠券相應面值的金額

-此優惠券只適用於2019年2月1日 至 2月7日,購買HKTVMall商品之單一購物訂單
-此優惠不適用於1號嬰兒奶粉以及HKTVmall $400電子購物禮券
-只適用於單次購物,餘數會被自動扣除,亦不可兌換現金或Mall Dollar現金回贈或其他優惠碼。


HKTVmall Chinese New Year Red Packet Giveaway 2019
Terms and Conditions

A. General Terms and Conditions

1. HKTVmall Chinese New Year Red Packet Giveaway 2019 (the ‘Program’) is brought to you by Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited (“HKTVS”).
2. The Program runs from 1st February, 2019 to 6th February, 2019 (the “Promotional Period”).
3. Only VIP Member of HKTVmall is eligible to participate in the Program and claim the prize.
4. The Program is only available on HKTVmall mobile applications (IOS and Android).
5. The program is only applicable for the VIP member with a verified mobile phone number for his HKTVmall account on the promotional page. Also, the participant could get a “Lucky Red Packet” only when finishing all steps stated on the promotional page. Each VIP member could only participate once.
6. “Lucky Red Packet” will be given on random basis and will be shown immediately on the promotional page. The result will be announced at Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on 14th February, 2019. “Lucky Red Packet” will distributed as HKTVmall shopping coupon codes to the eligible participants within 30 minutes after finishing the game via SMS.
7. Photos of the prizes in promotional materials are for reference only.
8. Prize cannot be transferred, exchanged or refunded.
9. Each account could only use the CNY Red Packet - Shopping Coupon Code sent by VIP customers once.
10. If the winner loses the prize, HKTVS will not reissue.
11. Any dispute regarding the quality, performance or value of the prizes should be dealt with the suppliers directly by the winner. All warranties and after sale services if any shall be responsible by the suppliers and HKTVS shall have no liability on any aspect of any related products / services including but not limited to their quality and the supply.
12. In any unforeseeable circumstances, such as technical failures or incompatibility issues with other software that do not allow eligible participant to participate in the Program, HKTVS assumes no liability nor responsibility.
13. If a participant is found to use a false name and/or invalid email address or adopt any way to invade and/or modify the computer program or dishonestly to participate in this campaign, HKTVS reserves the sole right to cancel the participants’ entitlement to the prize and to retrieve the prize if it had been given. The participant will bear all related and associated responsibilities, liabilities and consequences.
14. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of any materials related to the Program and these terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall apply and prevail.
15. These terms and conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
16. On all matters concerning the Program and in case of any disputes arising out of them, the decision of HKTVS shall be final and binding.
17. Trade Promotion Competition Licence No. : 51686-7

B. Lucky Red Packet – HKTVmall Shopping Coupon Code’s Using Guidance and Terms & Conditions:

How to use﹕
1) From 1 February to 7 February, 2019, after choosing HKTVmall products, click 'Cart' to process the payment
2) In the section of 'Apply coupon', enter the coupon code (consists of 7 characters and numbers), and click 'Confirm'
3) System will deduct the corresponding value on the coupon code from the 'Order total'

HKTVmall (App)
1) From 1 February to 7 February,2019, after choosing HKTVmall products, click 'Cart' than 'Checkout' to process the payment
2) In the section of 'Apply coupon', enter the coupon code (consists of 7 characters and numbers), and click 'Confirm'
3) System will deduct corresponding value on the coupon code from the 'Order total'

Terms and Conditions:
-The Coupon code is only applicable on or HKTVmall App online shopping.
-The Coupon code can only be used upon purchasing HKTVmall Products from From 1 February to 7 February, 2019
-The coupon code cannot be applied to No.“1” Formula and HKTVmall $400 eGift Voucher
-The coupon code is redeemable only when the coupon code is entered during the checkout process of online shopping. 
-The coupon code can only be used once. No refund or exchange to Mall Dollar Cash Rebate will be made for any unused balance.
-Each user account can enjoy the coupon code once only. Only one coupon code can be used in a single transaction. The coupon code cannot be used in conjunction with other cash coupon nor voucher.
-The coupon code shall be used before the expiry date, failing which the coupon code shall expire with no refund or exchange.
-The coupon code cannot be transferred, exchanged or refunded.
-HKTVmall is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged of the coupon.
-The coupon code cannot be used for any commercial purpose.
-In case of any disputes, Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.

Latest Updated: 01/02/2019